To Drill, Or Not to Drill

Shaun Keating Alaska, News Feather Story 2015, Oil

Obama to designate millions of acres as wilderness

Obama administration wants to designate 5 million acres of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as Wilderness.

  1. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is on Alaska’s North coast.
  2. Oil drilling in all of ANWR’s 19mil acres is currently off limits.
  3. That issue has been hotly debated in Congress since the 70’s.
  4. But ~7mil acres of ANWR are designated as “Wilderness.”
  5. That means those areas permanently off limits to oil drilling.
  6. Obama wants to designate another 5mil acres as Wilderness.
  7. Congress still has to approve the Wilderness designation.
  8. Alaska Representatives say this threatens their sovereignty.
  9. 90% of Alaska’s revenues come from the energy industry.
  10. Conservationists say this protects pristine land and animals.

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