An Unwanted People

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2015, Rohingya Muslims

Thousands of Rohingya immigrants stranded on boats.

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Thousands of Rohingya Muslim refugees are trapped on dilapidated boats after Asian nations refuse them.

  1. Myanmar is Buddhist majority with Rohingya Muslim minority.
  2. In 2012, ethnic violence between them killed hundreds.
  3. Over 100,000 have fled Myanmar (also called Burma) since.
  4. Those that remain live in segregated, rural camps & ghettos.
  5. Myanmar doesn’t acknowledge the Rohingyas as citizens.
  6. Now, thousands are fleeing on human traffickers’ boats.
  7. Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh, & Malaysia won’t let them in.
  8. Leaving thousands stranded on boats with dwindling supplies.
  9. The Philippines has offered help though it is far away.

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