Haitian Mass Deportation

Shaun Keating Immigration, News Feather Story 2015

Dominican Republic is set to deport 200k Haitians.

Source article on CNN.com

Hundreds of thousands of illegal Haitian immigrants in the Dominican Republic face deportation.

  1. 500k illegal Haitian immigrants live in Dominican Republic (DR).
  2. DR created a path to citizenship where immigrants register.
  3. Critics say the registration process is intentionally slow.
  4. Wednesday is the deadline for registration.
  5. 200,000 Haitian immigrants have registered so far.
  6. Another 200,000+ have not registered and face deportation.
  7. 96% of immigrants who have applied don’t have a passport.
  8. 2 repatriation centers have been set up on the Haiti/DR border.
  9. Adding to confusion are kids born in DR to Haitian immigrants.
  10. A 2013 law stripped their citizenship. They face deportation too.

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