FBI Reads American Citizens’ Emails: Is it Illegal? Not Sure

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

NSA and FBI read american citizens' emails

  1. New report shows that FBI/NSA are reading American citizens’ emails (yeah, it’s another Edward Snowden leak story).
  2. According to the report, 202 Muslim American citizens had their emails snooped (though many more may have).
  3. 5 of these US citizens are kinda famous. One is a Rutgers Univ. professor, one is a lawyer, and 2 are involved in politics.
  4. Of course, the targets deny terrorist ties and, of course, the gov’t denied they spied just for religious/political reasons.
  5. So what’s the big deal? The report implies that these people were spied on just for racial and religious reasons.
  6. It’s true the FBI/NSA don’t have the best track record when it comes to the privacy of American citizens.
  7. Still, one of the targets ran for President in Iran. Two were involved(but cleared) in different nat’l security investigations.
  8. So it’s unclear if this was illegal racial profiling or legitimate security intelligence gathering.