Misery and Migration for Syrian Refugees

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2015, Syria

After 4 years of civil war in Syria that has left 4 million people homeless and killed over 300,000, the Syrian government has said it is ready to talk to "real opponents."

Syria Wants to Talk

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2015, Syria

Syrian government ready to negotiate with opposition. “We want to end this conflict yesterday,” – Syrian Government In 2011, 15 children were arrested in Syria for graffiti. The kids were beaten and tortured in prison. Syrians protested the arrests of the kids (they were freed). Meanwhile, Arab Spring protests spread across the Middle East. Syrian forces responded by shooting protesters. …

ISIS Wins on 2 Fronts

Shaun Keating Iraq, ISIS, Islam, News Feather Story 2015, Syria

ISIS has won 2 major victories in the last week. Source article from CNN.com (opens in new tab) ISIS captured 2 cities this week: one in Iraq and one in Syria. In Iraq, ISIS took control of Ramadi, capital of Anbar province. Ramadi is just 75 miles east of Baghdad. In Syria, ISIS took the city of Palmyra on Thursday. …

Bikers vs. ISIS

Shaun Keating Iraq, ISIS, News Feather Story 2014, Syria

Dutch and German biker gangs go to fight ISIS No Surrender Banditos Club is a Dutch biker gang. They went to Mosul, Iraq to help Kurdish fighters against ISIS. Dutch officials say it is not illegal to join a foreign army. There are ~70,000 Kurds living in the Netherlands. Median Empire Motorcycle Club is a German biker gang. This week, …

Airstrikes in Syria

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014, Syria

Jets from several countries hit 12 locations US, Saudi, French, and UAE jets have hit ISIS targets in Syria. The growing coalition against ISIS is targeting their money. The strikes were aimed at oil refineries used by ISIS. Still, ISIS has access to ~$1 billion stolen from Iraqi banks. ISIS has likely now spread its commanders among civilians. The Netherlands, …

Syria Needs Help Too

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014, Syria

ISIS takes key military air base in Syria Syria has been in a civil war since 2011. ISIS has grown rapidly in the chaos. ISIS has conquered large regions of northern Syria and Iraq. On Monday, ISIS took over an important military air base. Syria moved its military planes before ISIS took over. Syria says it is now ready for …