China Builds New Islands

Shaun Keating China, News Feather Story 2015

China expands emerging reefs into 2,000 acre outpost.

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China announced it is nearing completion of a controversial artificial island chain in the South China Sea.

  1. China has reclaimed several emerging reefs in South China Sea.
  2. Reefs are 600 miles off China’s coast in hotly-disputed waters.
  3. Philippines, Taiwan, & others also claim parts of these waters.
  4. 60% of all the planet’s trade traffics through the area.
  5. China has been working furiously to expand the exposed reefs.
  6. After 2 years, the 5-acre reefs are now 2,000 acres of islands.
  7. The islands holds an airstrip, barracks, radar, & artillery pieces.
  8. Not only is this a strategic military move, but economic as well.
  9. The area is fertile fishing ground and rich in oil & natural gas.
  10. No time frame has been given for the islands’ completion.

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