Coretta King

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2015

MLK’s widow was talented, passionate, and powerful.

Coretta King led the civil rights movement after her husband's death.


  1. Coretta Scott was born in 1927 in Marion, Alabama.
  2. A talented singer, she wanted to pursue a career in music.
  3. She got a scholarship to a prestigious music school in Boston.
  4. There she met MLK and they were married in 1953.
  5. She played a pivotal role in the Civil Rights movement.
  6. She became the leader after MLK was shot in ‘68.
  7. She expanded to include women’s and LGBT rights.
  8. She advocated for creating MLK Day. Reagan signed it in ‘83.
  9. She died in ‘06. Her funeral was attended by 4 US Presidents.

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