2nd Ebola Case in US

Shaun Keating Ebola, News Feather Story 2014

2nd health care worker infected at Dallas hospital

A 2nd nurse in Dallas has tested positive for Ebola.

  1. Over 4,000 people have died in West Africa from Ebola.
  2. WHO says there could be 10,000 new cases a week there.
  3. Thomas Duncan flew to the US from West Africa in Sept.
  4. He died from Ebola last week at a hospital in Dallas.
  5. 2 healthcare workers who cared for him are now infected.
  6. 2nd victim was on a flight days before symptoms presented.
  7. The CDC is reaching out to all 132 passengers on the flight.
  8. Frontier Airlines flight 1143 Cleveland to Dallas/Fort Worth.