3/6/2015 News Roundup

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

ISIS destroys artifacts, Boko Haram kills more.

ISIS has destroyed Nimrud, the capital of the ancient civilization of Assyria. Boko Haram massacres more people in Nigeria.

ISIS violates ancient site

  1. Nimrud was the capital of the Assyrian Empire.
  2. It is located near the city of Mosul in Northern Iraq.
  3. ISIS bulldozed the entire ruins of the ancient city.
  4. In June, ISIS destroyed a museum containing 173 artifacts.

Boko Haram destroys village

  1. Borno State is in northeastern Nigeria.
  2. Boko Haram massacred 68 people in a village in Borno State.
  3. The Islamic extremists targeted children and the elderly.
  4. Then they burned the village to the ground.

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