Ukraine, Russia, US, & WW3

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

The story is about energy, people!

Tensions high between Russia, Crimea and Ukraine


  1. Jan. ‘14, 800k anti-Russian protestors seize Kiev (Ukraine capital)
  2. 88 protestors get killed. Pro-Russian Ukraine president leaves.
  3. Crimea: an independent republic with close ties to Ukraine and key natural gas resources.
  4. Pro-Russian gunman seize key buildings in Crimea.
  5. 12,000 Russian troops mass on Ukraine/Crimea border.
  6. US tells Putin to pull back troops. He doesn’t.
  7. Pro-Russian and Ukraine clashes increase, more people die.
  8. Joe Biden’s son named to board of directors of major Ukrainian natural gas company.
  9. US/UK issue sanctions on Russia.