Did Iraq Have WMDs?

Shaun Keating Iraq, News Feather Story 2015

Document justifying Iraq war declassified. On March 20, 2003, the US launched a war against Iraq. Bush admin. said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. They said Iraq was developing bio & chemical weapons. And that Saddam Hussein was training al Qaeda operatives. Evidence of the claims is in the National Intelligence Estimate. The NIE has just been declassified and …

Chicago PD Black Site

Shaun Keating Chicago

Homan Square warehouse site of torture & detention. Story via The Guardian Chicago PD has an “off-the-books interrogation compound.” The Homan Square warehouse is on Chicago’s west side. Police keep detainees there before being officially booked. People have disappeared there for up to 24-hours. Lawyers are routinely denied access to clients held there. People as young as 15 have been …

Torture Report

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

New report alleges CIA tortured at least 119 detainees Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool. Get extra stories free! Check out our previous emails. Powered by MailChimp

Bay of Pigs

Shaun Keating Flashback Friday, News Feather Story 2014

Remember that one time the US invaded Cuba? It’s 1959. Cuban Revolution leaves Fidel Castro in power. Castro and USSR form ties at height of Cold War with US. It’s 1960. Eisenhower tells the CIA to overthrow Castro. CIA trains group of paramilitaries in Mexico: Brigade 2506. JFK takes office in ‘61 and approves operation. Invasion lasts 5 days before …

FBI Reads American Citizens’ Emails: Is it Illegal? Not Sure

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

New report shows that FBI/NSA are reading American citizens’ emails (yeah, it’s another Edward Snowden leak story). According to the report, 202 Muslim American citizens had their emails snooped (though many more may have). 5 of these US citizens are kinda famous. One is a Rutgers Univ. professor, one is a lawyer, and 2 are involved in politics. Of course, the …

Zee Germans Are Coming: US Spy Discovered in German Military

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed a world-wide data dragnet by NSA: a US intel agnecy. In Oct ‘13 it was also revealed that NSA monitors the cellphone of the German Chancelor, Angela Merkel. Obama has given Merkel personal assurances that the NSA is no longer monitoring her phone. In July ‘14 it was learned that a US spy in a …