Ebola Vaccine En Route

Shaun Keating Ebola, News Feather Story 2015

Vaccine to arrive in West Africa Friday, 1/23 3 companies have shipped Ebola vaccines to Africa. Small trials of the drugs have been ongoing since December. Larger scale trials will begin in Liberia next week. Trials will begin in Sierra Leone shortly after that. Trials for Ebola treatment drug ZMapp will begin soon as well. The manufacturer of that drug …

2nd Ebola Case in US

Shaun Keating Ebola, News Feather Story 2014

2nd health care worker infected at Dallas hospital Over 4,000 people have died in West Africa from Ebola. WHO says there could be 10,000 new cases a week there. Thomas Duncan flew to the US from West Africa in Sept. He died from Ebola last week at a hospital in Dallas. 2 healthcare workers who cared for him are now …

Ebola Around the World

Shaun Keating Ebola, News Feather Story 2014

Spanish nurse 1st to contract Ebola outside Africa A nurse’s assistant in Spain has been diagnosed with Ebola. She is the 1st person to contract the virus outside of Africa. Doctors suspect she was infected removing a protective suit. There have been a total of 8 confirmed cases in Europe. Meanwhile, the 1st Ebola patient in the US has died …

Ebola in the US

Shaun Keating Ebola, News Feather Story 2014

It was only a matter of time A man in Dallas has been diagnosed with Ebola. He traveled from Liberia to the US to visit family. People leaving Liberia are screened for Ebola. He first experienced symptoms 4 days after arriving in US. This means his airport test would have been negative. Ebola is only spread through contact with bodily …

Ebola Outbreak

Shaun Keating Ebola, News Feather Story 2014

No room in hospitals leave the sick waiting to die 2,400 people have died in West Africa from Ebola outbreak. Hospitals are full leaving thousands of people without care. People are literally waiting to die outside hospitals. The number of infected is increasing exponentially. The US is sending 3k troops, supplies, and medical equip. US medics will also train more …

UPDATE: The Ebola Outbreak

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

Amazing drug saves 2 Americans’ lives   2 American aid workers contracted the Ebola virus in Liberia. They were given an extremely experimental drug that had not been tested on humans or approved by the FDA. The drug is called ZMapp. It has only been tested on monkeys. The drug may have saved their lives. Both aid workers are in …