Ferguson, Now

Shaun Keating Ferguson, News Feather Story 2014

Ferguson is a mess and here’s how it happened Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool. Get extra stories free! Check out our previous emails. Powered by MailChimp

Update: Ferguson

Shaun Keating Ferguson, News Feather Story 2014

The autopsy report, looting, and witness accounts Note: This story has been revised at 7:30pm to reflect the 2 autopsies conducted on Michael Brown that show conflicting bullet directions. Michael Brown was shot and killed by a police officer on 8/9. Police and witness accounts differ about what happened. An autopsy reveals that Brown was shot from behind. This may …

UPDATE: The Story in Ferguson

Shaun Keating Ferguson, News Feather Story 2014

Riots continue after Michael Brown killed Michael Brown was walking down the street with a friend. A confrontation with police left Brown shot dead. UPDATE More witnesses have come forward to dispute officers’ version of the confrontation. The Ferguson community has been protesting for 4 days. Rioting and looting has occurred. Ferguson PD has arrested journalists and dismantled film crews’ …

The Story in Ferguson

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

Riots continue in Ferguson after Michael Brown killed Ferguson is a suburb outside St. Louis. Population 21,000. Michael Brown was walking down the street with a friend. A confrontation with a police officer ensued. Brown was shot multiple times and died. Police say Brown tried to take the officer’s gun. Witnesses say Brown had his hands up in surrender. The …