Deadly Indian Heat Wave

Shaun Keating Extreme Weather, India, News Feather Story 2015

Over 1,800 people dead from dehydration and sunstroke. Source article on More information from The Weather Underground (opens in new tab).   Create your own user feedback survey

Quake Victims Trafficked

Shaun Keating Nepal, News Feather Story 2015

Nepal bans unaccompanied travel for children. 2 earthquakes in Nepal killed over 8,600 people this spring. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes. Those affected by the quake are at high risk of being trafficked. Last week, Nepal rescued 64 kids traveling with strangers. India rescued 26 kids in 20 days being trafficked from Nepal. The kids are taken …

Climate Change Summit

Shaun Keating Climate Change, Global Warming, News Feather Story 2014

World leaders meet to discuss solutions at UN assembly The UN General Assembly happens this week in New York. Tuesday is the UN Climate Summit. World leaders will discuss solutions to climate change. Notably absent from the summit are India and China. In 2013, the 2 nations produced 1/3 of carbon emissions. On Monday, climate change protestors held marches. Around the …