No Charges in Argentina

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2015

Prosecutor drops case against Argentine President. For more context, check out our earlier coverage of this story (Opens in new window) The ‘94 bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires killed 85. It was the deadliest in Argentina’s history. Iran was suspected. But Iran’s involvement was covered up, prosecutors said. Prosecutor Alberto Nisman accused Argentinian President. He said President …

Prosecutor Found Dead

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2015

Argentinian prosecutor was investigating a cover-up The ‘94 bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires killed 85. It was the deadliest bombing in Argentina’s history. Prosecutors have accused high-ranking Iranian officials. But Iran won’t turn over the accused so it has stalled. Prosecutor Alberto Nisman was investigating the case. He accused Argentinian President of protecting the Iranians. He was …