Update: New York Prison Break

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2015

Trail goes cold; prison worker arrested, charged. Source article on CNN.com Last week, 2 convicted murderers escaped from a NY prison. The 2 men used power tools to cut through steel bars. The hunt for the killers has been ongoing for 10 days. Over 800 law enforcement officers have been involved. Over 870 leads have been developed but none have …

New York Prison Break

Shaun Keating New York, News Feather Story 2015

2 convicted killers escape NY prison Hollywood style. This post sponsored by RecipeSchmecipe.com (opens in new tab) Clinton Correctional Facility is in upstate New York. Officials call it “Little Siberia” because it is so cold and remote. 2 dangerous criminals escaped last night in a daring jail break. The 2 murderers used decoys in their beds to fool guards. They used …

Eric Garner

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014, Police Accountability

Man dies after being held in chokehold by police Get extra stories free! Check out our previous emails. Powered by MailChimp Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

Climate Change Summit

Shaun Keating Climate Change, Global Warming, News Feather Story 2014

World leaders meet to discuss solutions at UN assembly The UN General Assembly happens this week in New York. Tuesday is the UN Climate Summit. World leaders will discuss solutions to climate change. Notably absent from the summit are India and China. In 2013, the 2 nations produced 1/3 of carbon emissions. On Monday, climate change protestors held marches. Around the …

Unresponsive Plane

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014, Unresponsive Plane, US News

Private plane crashes in Jamaica A small private plane left from New York heading to Florida. The pilot was unresponsive to air traffic controllers. Two F-15s were scrambled to follow the plane. The pilot was unconscious and the windows frosted over. The plane continued towards Cuban airspace. The plane crashed into the waters around Jamaica. It is believed all onboard …