Scotland Stays

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014, Scotland

Majority of Scots vote to stay part of UK On Thursday, Scotland voted 55% to 45% to stay in the UK. Voter turnout was as high as 90% in some areas. British Prime Minister David Cameron praised the decision. Alex Salmond, Scottish 1st Minister, resigned in defeat. The “Yes” campaign made a late surge that caused panic. Politicians promised to …

3 Days Until IndyRef

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014, Scotland

British PM campaigns in Scotland   Get more backstory summed up for easy reading right here! David Cameron was in Edinburgh Monday campaigning. The Conservative PM wants Scotland to stay in the UK. He said he would be sad if the UK “was torn apart.” Scots over 16 years-old will vote on Thursday. Recent polls show Scotland is still evenly …

Independent Scotland

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014, Scotland

Scotland may vote to leave UK next week In 1707, Scotland and England joined to create Great Britain. In 2011, the Scottish National Party gained outright majority. The SNP promised to hold a vote on independence. That vote happens on September 18. Polls show a statistical tie with 51% favoring independence. If passed, it would be formally enacted in 2016. …