Hamas/Israel Ceasefire Melts

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

Ceasefire doesn’t even last 2 hours   Israel and Palestine have been bombing each other for weeks. Over 1,500 have died in Gaza. Thousands have been wounded. The truce started Friday morning and was to last 72 hours. Some reports say it lasted only 90 minutes. Both sides are blaming the other for restarting the fighting. An Israeli soldier was …

Violence in Palestine and Israel Continues

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

An update on the violence   Israel and Palestine have been bombing each other for 2 weeks. On July 10, Israel Chief of Staff approved plans for ground strike in Gaza. Israeli air attacks also increased. 618 Palestinians have been killed and 3,750 wounded. The UN says that 70%-80% are civilians. 28 Israeli soldiers and 2 civilians have died. Israel …