1,000 Russian Troops

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014, Ukraine

Fighting in Eastern Ukraine intensifies Ukrainian forces have been battling Pro-Russian rebels. The rebels have weapons and vehicles from Russia. The US now says that 1,000 Russian troops are in Ukraine. Moscow denies the allegations. NATO claims to have satellite images of troop movement. Fighting intensified on Thursday on two fronts. Russian troops captured towns in Southeastern Ukraine.


Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014, Ukraine

Russian aid convoy enters Ukraine without permission Ukraine is battling Pro-Russia rebels in its Eastern region. Russia sent a humanitarian aid convoy of 260 trucks. 130 trucks crossed the border without permission. Ukraine suspects the trucks contain support for rebels. Russia said it grew tired of Ukraine stalling the trucks. NATO says Russian artillery is being used against Ukraine. Russia …

Malaysia Airlines Jet Shot Down Over Ukraine

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

No one claims responsibility for it     A Malaysian Airlines passenger flight has crashed. Flight MH17 carried 295 people out of Amsterdam. The plane was hit by a missile fired from a military launcher. Ukraine and Pro-Russian rebels have been fighting for months in the region where the plane was shot down. July 14th, a Ukraine military transport plane …