Violence in the Central African Republic is complicated by sexual abuse reports involving kids and French and UN soldiers.

The Central African Republic

Shaun Keating Africa, Central African Republic, News Feather Story 2015

The Central African Republic is in total chaos. “Largest forgotten humanitarian crisis of our time,” the UN Get involved: Charity Water and Save the Children are on the ground helping in the Central African Republic Image sources: flickr user hdptcar and UNHCR Photo Unit Story sources: CNN, CNN, Amnesty International, The Guardian The Central African Republic is a former French colony. In Mar. 2013, a …

ISIS Wins on 2 Fronts

Shaun Keating Iraq, ISIS, Islam, News Feather Story 2015, Syria

ISIS has won 2 major victories in the last week. Source article from (opens in new tab) ISIS captured 2 cities this week: one in Iraq and one in Syria. In Iraq, ISIS took control of Ramadi, capital of Anbar province. Ramadi is just 75 miles east of Baghdad. In Syria, ISIS took the city of Palmyra on Thursday. …

ISIS Captures Ramadi

Shaun Keating Iraq, ISIS, Islam, News Feather Story 2015

Strategic city falls to ISIS after months of fighting. Ramadi is in central Iraq. It has a population of ~200,000. ISIS and Iraqi forces have been fighting over it for months. Thursday night, ISIS launched a massive offensive. It included suicide bombers in cars with explosives. The fighting continued through the night and into Friday. ISIS’s black flag has been …

Violence in South Africa

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2015, South Africa

Waves of violence against foreigners in Johannesburg. Violence against foreigners is spreading in South Africa. Starting in the city of Durban, it has spread to Johannesburg. Residents have burned businesses and marched in the streets. Police fired rubber bullets into crowds on Friday. At least 6 people have been killed. 100+ have been arrested. The cause of the violence is …

UPDATE: The Immigration Story

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

Unsurprisingly, Congress does nothing   The House and Senate each have solutions to the border and immigration crisis. House Republicans called off a vote for their $659 million bill because of internal quarrelling. Senate Democrats couldn’t muster enough votes to move their $2.7 billion immigration bill to the floor for a vote. Both parties agree the flood of Central American …

UPDATE: The Immigration Story

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

What is Congress doing about immigration? Probably nothing.   Lots of immigrants are coming from Central America especially kids without their parents. Some people are concerned about safety and border security. Some are concerned about humanitarian aid for the immigrants. Congress is trying to find a solution that balances the two. Democrats offered a $2.7 billion spending bill for the …