Greek Salvation?

Shaun Keating Greece, News Feather Story 2015

Greece and Europe agree to potential proposal. Source article on Since 2010, Greece has received ~€233 billion from the EU. Despite that, Greece is still in massive debt. Last week, the EU cut Greece off from more bailout funds. Greece is bankrupt. Banks are closed & withdrawals are limited. Greece will either leave the EU or agree to new …

The Greece Debt Crisis

Shaun Keating Greece, News Feather Story 2015

Greece owes $323 billion and can’t pay it back. Source article on CNN Money In 2010, it was learned that Greece had massive debt. The EU bailed them out 3 times from 2010 to 2014. The bailouts totaled over €240 billion & came with conditions. People rioted because the conditions included cuts to pensions. In 2014 things were turning around: …

Eric Garner

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014, Police Accountability

Man dies after being held in chokehold by police Get extra stories free! Check out our previous emails. Powered by MailChimp Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.