More Troops in Iraq

Shaun Keating Iran, Iraq, ISIS, Islam, News Feather Story 2015

President Obama sends 450 more troops to Iraq. Source article on 3,050 US troops are in Iraq advising & training Iraqi troops. 450 more troops will go train Sunni tribe soldiers to fight ISIS. Sunni Muslims used to thrive under Saddam Hussein. They have been marginalized since his overthrow. Which is why some Sunnis view ISIS (also Sunni) as …

ISIS Takes Iraqi Base

Shaun Keating Iraq, ISIS, News Feather Story 2014

Jihadist group loots base then burns it down ISIL captured the city of Heet in Iraq’s Anbar province. Heet holds the 3rd largest Iraqi military base. The Iraqi Army “tactically withdrew” to defend Al Asad Airbase. ISIL took supplies, munitions, armored vehicles, and tanks. U.N. says ~180,000 people have been displaced fleeing Heet. Heet lies on a strategic route, giving …

ISIS Taking More Ground

Shaun Keating Iraq, ISIS, News Feather Story 2014

Terror group closes on Baghdad The fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria is not going well. The US is conducting airstrikes but ISIS is still advancing. ISIS came within 15.5 miles (25 km) of Baghdad airport. Iraqi forces are threatening to flee unless US intervenes. But Iraq officials say they don’t want US ground forces. In Kobani, a key …

Hamas/Israel Ceasefire Melts

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

Ceasefire doesn’t even last 2 hours   Israel and Palestine have been bombing each other for weeks. Over 1,500 have died in Gaza. Thousands have been wounded. The truce started Friday morning and was to last 72 hours. Some reports say it lasted only 90 minutes. Both sides are blaming the other for restarting the fighting. An Israeli soldier was …