4/21/2015 News Roundup

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2015, News Round-Up

Yemen ceasefire; US DEA Head Resigns

In this News Roundup, there's a ceasefire in Yemen between Houthi and Saudi Arabia while in the US, the DEA head resigns.

Yemen Ceasefire

  • Saudi Arabia (SA) will stop bombing Houthi rebels on Tues.
  • After a month, SA has weakened the Houthis across Yemen.
  • Including the capital, Sanaa, and port city of Aden.
  • Humanitarian aid will come in and political talks will start.

Head of DEA Resigns

  • Michele Leonhart is expected to step down as head of DEA.
  • She clashed with the White House over enforcement of pot.
  • She also came under fire for DEA sex parties in Columbia.
  • She was the first woman to lead a DEA field office.

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