Jordan, ISIS Kill Hostages

Shaun Keating ISIS, News Feather Story 2015

ISIS killed a pilot. Jordan killed 2 terrorists.

Jordan executes 2 prisoners in retaliation for ISIS killing their air force pilot.

  1. Jordan is a key part of the US-led coalition against ISIS.
  2. Moath al-Kasasbeh was a Royal Jordanian Air Force pilot.
  3. On Dec. 24, 2013, his F-16 crashed and he ejected.
  4. He was captured by ISIS who tried to trade him for prisoners.
  5. But video released this week shows he was burned alive.
  6. In retaliation, Jordan hanged two al-Qaeda prisoners.
  7. Jordan working with the US is not popular with its people.
  8. However, protesters are calling for revenge on ISIS.

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