Saved From Boko Haram

Shaun Keating Boko Haram, News Feather Story 2015

Islamic terrorists continue raids in Nigeria

Boko Haram was pushed back in Maiduguri by Borno state military.

  1. Boko Haram continues to raid villages in North East Nigeria.
  2. Slaughtering people across dozens of towns in the Borno state.
  3. But Borno state military fended Boko Haram off in Maiduguri.
  4. Young people even volunteered to help fight off Boko Haram.
  5. Maiduguri is the capital of the Borno state in N. East Nigeria.
  6. It is also close to neighboring Chad and Cameroon.
  7. Boko Haram has attempted to invade Maiduguri twice.
  8. Translated, Boko Haram means “Western education is sin.”

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