No Charges in Argentina

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2015

Prosecutor drops case against Argentine President.

For more context, check out our earlier coverage of this story (Opens in new window)

After Alberto Nisman was found dead, President Krichner has been acquitted of charges.

  1. The ‘94 bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires killed 85.
  2. It was the deadliest in Argentina’s history. Iran was suspected.
  3. But Iran’s involvement was covered up, prosecutors said.
  4. Prosecutor Alberto Nisman accused Argentinian President.
  5. He said President covered for Iran in exchange for a trade deal.
  6. Nisman “committed suicide” hours before he was to testify.
  7. A judge then dismissed the case but it was appealed.
  8. The new prosecutor has just dropped the case.
  9. “There was no crime here, either carried out or attempted.”

Source via (Opens in new window)

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