The Greece Debt Crisis

Shaun Keating Greece, News Feather Story 2015

Greece owes $323 billion and can’t pay it back.

Source article on CNN Money

Cut off from bailout funds, the Greece debt crisis has closed its banks and may cause it to leave the European Union.

  1. In 2010, it was learned that Greece had massive debt.
  2. The EU bailed them out 3 times from 2010 to 2014.
  3. The bailouts totaled over €240 billion & came with conditions.
  4. People rioted because the conditions included cuts to pensions.
  5. In 2014 things were turning around: until Greece held elections.
  6. Last December, the newly elected party refused the conditions.
  7. The latest bailout offer from the EU expired on Tuesday.
  8. Greece is now on its own, cut off from bailout funds.
  9. New negotiations could take weeks & banks have closed.
  10. There is real fear that Greece may leave the EU. #Grexit

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