China Builds New Islands

Shaun Keating China, News Feather Story 2015

China expands emerging reefs into 2,000 acre outpost. Source article on China has reclaimed several emerging reefs in South China Sea. Reefs are 600 miles off China’s coast in hotly-disputed waters. Philippines, Taiwan, & others also claim parts of these waters. 60% of all the planet’s trade traffics through the area. China has been working furiously to expand the …

Hong Kong Democracy?

Shaun Keating Hong Kong, News Feather Story 2015

After months of protests, Beijing offers a proposal. For more backstory on this, check out our previous summary and its update. (Both links open in new window) Hong Kong was a British colony until the UK gave it back in ‘97. Part of the deal was that HK would govern itself for 50 years. But people in HK say Beijing …

Trafficking Ring Busted

Shaun Keating China, News Feather Story 2015, Trafficking

Trafficking Ring Busted Chinese police raided an abandoned factory in Eastern China. They rescued 37 babies and a 3-year-old girl. They also arrested 103 people for trafficking & buying babies. The traffickers brought pregnant women to the factory. The women gave birth, were paid, and then left. The babies were carried in luggage bags to a morgue and sold. The …

Hong Kong Protest Update

Shaun Keating Hong Kong, News Feather Story 2014

Pro-democracy protests continue despite challenges Hundreds of Hong Kongers are protesting for full suffrage. At the height, tens-of-thousands of people joined activists. Protesters are blocking key roads in HK financial district. Local businesses say they’ve lost money from the protests. Clashes between police and activists reignited Wednesday. A video allegedly shows HK police beating a protester. HK officials say activists …

Protests in Hong Kong

Shaun Keating China, Hong Kong, News Feather Story 2014

Tens of thousands protest for democracy Hong Kong was a British colony until they gave it back in ‘97. The deal was that for 50 years HK would govern itself. China is an autocracy which means it’s ruled by 1 party. People in HK don’t want China telling them what to do. In July, 500k people marched for democracy in …

Climate Change Summit

Shaun Keating Climate Change, Global Warming, News Feather Story 2014

World leaders meet to discuss solutions at UN assembly The UN General Assembly happens this week in New York. Tuesday is the UN Climate Summit. World leaders will discuss solutions to climate change. Notably absent from the summit are India and China. In 2013, the 2 nations produced 1/3 of carbon emissions. On Monday, climate change protestors held marches. Around the …