White House Hacked

Shaun Keating Hackers, Russia, White House

Russian hackers access unclassified systems. Russian hackers first breached the US State Department in ‘14. The hackers have “owned” the State Dep’t network for months. The FBI is still struggling to eliminate them from the system. From the State Dep’t, hackers then accessed the White House. Investigators believe they used an email “phishing” scam. “Phishing” is when hackers pose as …

Ukraine, Russia, US, & WW3

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

The story is about energy, people!   Jan. ‘14, 800k anti-Russian protestors seize Kiev (Ukraine capital) 88 protestors get killed. Pro-Russian Ukraine president leaves. Crimea: an independent republic with close ties to Ukraine and key natural gas resources. Pro-Russian gunman seize key buildings in Crimea. 12,000 Russian troops mass on Ukraine/Crimea border. US tells Putin to pull back troops. He …