Patriot Act Expires

Shaun Keating Edward Snowden, NSA, Patriot Act

3 critical sections in Patriot Act expired June 1. Source article on (opens in new tab) Create your own user feedback survey The Patriot Act was passed into law in 2001 after 9/11. 3 key provisions in it allow the NSA to record your phone calls. Those 3 key provisions expired June 1 at midnight. This means the NSA …

Soccer’s Day of Reckoning

Shaun Keating FIFA, News Feather Story 2015

USA & Swiss officials lead probes into FIFA. Source article on (opens in new tab) FIFA is the international governing body for soccer. FIFA has been suspected of corruption for decades. FIFA awarded the 2018 World Cup to Russia & 2022 to Qatar. Many suspected the selection process was, again, corrupt. In 2014, FIFA conducted its own investigation & …

NSA Hacks SIM Cards

Shaun Keating Edward Snowden, Hackers, Net Neutrality, NSA

NSA/GCHQ stole millions of SIM cards’ encryption keys. The GCHQ is Britain’s NSA. Your phone’s SIM card contains a secret encryption key. Your carrier/provider also has that same encryption key. To connect, your SIM and provider check that they keys match. If they do, all communication between them is encrypted. Carriers like Verizon, AT&T do not make their own SIM …