Patriot Act Expires

Shaun Keating Edward Snowden, NSA, Patriot Act

3 critical sections in Patriot Act expired June 1. Source article on (opens in new tab) Create your own user feedback survey The Patriot Act was passed into law in 2001 after 9/11. 3 key provisions in it allow the NSA to record your phone calls. Those 3 key provisions expired June 1 at midnight. This means the NSA …

Attack in Kenya

Shaun Keating al-shabab, Kenya, News Feather Story 2015

Islamic extremists with Al-Shabab kill at least 15. Al-Shabab are Islamic terrorists in Somalia linked to al-Qaeda. At least 5 gunmen in fatigues invaded a school in Kenya. 15 people are dead and the terrorists have taken hostages. The attackers targeted Christians during their morning prayers. After taking hostages, the gunmen went to the hostels. Witnesses say they separated people …

1.2 Billion Passwords Stolen

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

Could be the largest heist of its kind Russian hackers have stolen 1.2 billion username and password combinations. The digital credentials came from ~420,000 sites. The sites included small and well-known ones. The hackers make money by logging into social and email accounts and posting about fake products. This could be the largest theft of username and passwords. Security experts …