Russian Tanks in Ukraine

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014, Ukraine

Ukraine accuses Russia of sending tanks into territory Ukraine has accused Russia of sending tanks into its territory. Russia denies the accusations. In Sept, Ukraine and pro-Russian rebels signed a ceasefire. But tensions in southeastern Ukraine have increased recently. On Sunday, rebels held elections fueling the conflict. Russia faces pressure from West to reject the election results. NATO is looking …

Flight MH17 Update

Shaun Keating News Feather Story 2014

US/Ukraine Accuse Rebels July 17, Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 gets shot out of sky. US/Ukraine accuse pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine. The wreckage and many of the bodies are still where they fell. The rebels are making it difficult for investigators to work. This displeases many nations who want a real investigation started Netherlands and Australia are getting ready to …